Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fall Recipe: Pumpkin Pancakes

After I made some lovely pumpkin Halloween cookies, I had a significant amount of pumpkin pie filling left over. So.... I decided to make pumpkin pancakes with the rest! Keep in mind, I used canned pumpkin pie filling NOT canned pumpkin puree (unsweetened). If you are using the pumpkin puree, you will need to sweeten it with sugar. K?

Normally I would have used the plain canned pumpkin, but my apartment does not have cloves, allspice, and nutmeg so I decided to buy the preseasoned can to avoid spending a fortune on spices.

I made a smaller batch, considering I was just making them for me, so if you're cooking for more people, you might want to double the recipe. Mine made about 7 medium-sized pancakes.

Pumpkin Pancakes:
3/4 cup milk (I used soy milk and they came out just fine!)

3/4 cup - 1 cup pumpkin (pie filling or pure pumpkin, basically I just used however much I had left)

1/2 egg (how do you measure 1/2 of an egg?? Scramble the egg in a bowl first and just pour half in the batter!)

1 tbsp vegetable oil

1 cup flour

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp baking soda

additional spices (I added more cinnamon to the flour mixture for more spice!)
additional fillings (I used dried cranberries, pecans, and banana slices in mine!)

*NOTE: If using pumpkin pie filling, don't add any sugar!! If using pumpkin puree, then you'll want to add about 1 1/2 tbsp brown sugar

1) In a bowl, mix together milk, pumpkin, egg, and oil.

2) Combine the flour, brown sugar (if using), baking powder, baking soda, and any additional spices in a SEPARATE bowl.

3) Stir dry ingredients into the wet pumpkin mixture

4) Put in the fridge for a couple minutes (I put it in for about 5 while I was chopping my nuts/banana)

5) Heat your frying pan (or skillet if you're fancy!) to about medium heat. Pour about 1/4 cup of batter in the pan depending on how large you want your pancakes.

 Pumpkin Pancake Batter!!

Extra fillings :)

 Cooking Pancakes! Yummy :)

The perfect pancake

I have to say I was really proud of myself from making these from scratch. They turned out perfectly and had a very strong pumpkin spice flavor.  The cranberries, pecans, and bananas were great additions and were lovely suprises. Topped with butter, you don't even need maple syrup for flavor! For a nice fall breakfast try these lovely little discs of joy. You could even add chocolate chips and whipped cream and you've got a dessert too!!

Have any other fall recipes to share??

Stephanie, WWT