Saturday, May 14, 2011

Traveling: Train Ranting

Dear readers! I am finally back home in sunny, lovely California. After a cold night sleeping on a mattress with just a jacket for comfort and no heat in my dorm, I finally left for the airport early this morning at 6:45. I only had three hours of sleep because of the freezing temperature of my dorm, but that couldn’t put a damper on my spirits! I was going home.

However, my thoughts and life outlook was soon interrupted when it came time for me to haul my huge piece of luggage (along with a duffel bag and backpack mind you!) down the flight of stairs and up again to the other side of the train tracks. As I slammed the wheels down the first flight of stairs and began to walk through the tunnel I felt and heard the train come to a stop above me on the track! In my despair, I stopped and prayed for help trying to lug this monstrosity up a flight of stairs. All of a sudden, I hear a rush behind me and a man’s voice saying, “‘scuse me!” I had hoped this man would be willing to help me with my bag, yet when I turned I just caught a glimpse of his collared electric blue shirt, glasses, and briefcase running past me in my predicament without a second glance and no care seemingly, for anyone but himself. I stood on the stairs, shocked. I mean, I hadn’t asked this man for help directly, but I knew my body language was probably conveying a sense of distress and helplessness. I mean, isn’t helping someone out the right thing to do?

Next my brain wanders to the thought that maybe this guy will hold the train for me since he saw me struggling, down just 5 steps from the top! Yeah, that’s it! While these thoughts were passing through my brain a man-child Villanova student passed me and went on his merry way. Him, I can ALMOST forgive. I mean, his maturity level is probably hideously low; he is a college student after all. In my hesitation however I missed the train, watching it roll past me, just my head visible above the stairs. 4 steps were all that was standing between me and my way home. Now, I had another 20 minutes to wait. There was some comfort in finding my bias against college boy-men opposed when another Villanova student asked if I needed help. At this point I needed quite a lot of things. Namely, reassurance that all men out there aren’t total douchebags and may have an ounce of chivalry, respect, and care for their fellow human beings, let alone the fairer sex. I denied his request for help, feeling foolish if he would have carried my bag up three steps.

As I sat on the bench waiting for my next liberator from the confines of campus, I pondered about my situation. I wasn’t even that mad about missing the train. Hell, maybe if I had really booked it and ran I could have made it in time…my bad. What bothered me more was the depressing interactions, or lack of them, that I had with strangers. I guess I just had more faith in the social glue of society that would motivate complete strangers to help each other out, due to moral and ethical instinct. This event and it’s outcomes ultimately set the tone for the rest of my day, which would bring even more nightmares.

To Be Continued…

*I know this post said "this morning," but I actually wrote it like a week ago and just never got around to posting it! I've been enjoying my time at home and it takes a while to settle in, so I have forgone my blog.
Anyway, thanks to anyone who is actually reading this blog, you are much appreciated!
Stephanie, WWT

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