Sunday, May 1, 2011


So the past week (April 20th - 23rd) I spent my Easter break in New York City!!
It was super exciting for me because I had never really been sightseeing in NY before. I had just visited a couple friends' houses and seen our Wildcats lose embarassingly to Texas at Madison Square Garden my freshman year.

Unfortunately in the past, my history with NY hasn't been too great. It seemed that every time I traveled across the state line I got sick. This time, I am happy to say I think the trend has been broken! Well, kind of. I ended up getting sick for a day after I got back to school, but I just attribute that to exhaustion and fatigue.

Anyway... I spent 4 lovely days and 3 nights at a hostel in Harlem, yes I know what you're thinking. College girl alone, staying in Harlem, at night = bad idea lol.  Most people think I'm crazy or strange for wanting to travel by myself in the first place, but it's actually kind of relaxing/enlightening for me. I can go wherever I want and do whatever I want, not having to worry about pleasing other people.

You have so much freedom and opportunities it's amazing! The only downside is that you are alone. It makes eating kind of limited because you can't just walk into a restaurant, sit down and eat a meal by yourself without feeling awkward. Luckily, NY has lots of cafes and food trucks perfect for single diners!

Overall, I had a great time seeing what I was able to see. I even was fortunate enough to get tickets to a premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival! However I missed out on the Statue of Liberty (it was sold out until like July!) and the Empire State Building. Hopefully, next year will bring another opportunity for me to visit this fabulous city. Over the next week or so I will post individual reviews and such about the various things I did in New York, so stay tuned!

If you want to go somewhere, go! Don't wait for other people to decide to tag along or you will miss out.

-Stephanie, WWT

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