Monday, September 5, 2011

Movie Review: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

After I finished the book I seriously couldn't wait to watch the movie so I headed over to my campus video store and lo and behold, they had a copy of the Swedish version!!

I just finished watching it and I thought it was great. Obviously a 2 and a half hour movie can't capture 600 pages of material, but I thought the movie definitely did the story justice. Noomi Rapace was exactly how I pictured Lisbeth to be and I loved her in the role.  Actually, most of the characters were spot on in my opinion. 

Some parts were left out that I thought could have been incorporated for more drama. The relationship between Cecilia and Blomkvist was left out and his relationship with Berger wasn't really mentioned, but you could tell there was something there. Also, the part where the two find the dead cat and its severed head on Lisbeth's motorcycle wasn't in there. I thought for sure they'd go for an intense/scary scene with that one. They forgot Susanne's Bridge Cafe too! lol.

But all in all, I thought the film did a wonderful job of capturing the essence of the story.  Some things were definitely changed around a bit, but it didn't detract from the original storyline. Loved it!!
Definitely watch it after reading the book so the Vanger's are all fresh in your mind haha.

Here's the Swedish trailer!

I'm excited for the U.S. version to come out this December so I can compare the two!:)

Stephanie, WWT

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