Saturday, October 22, 2011

Movie Review: The Girl Who Played With Fire

As promised, here is the movie review of the second Swedish movie installment of the Stieg Larsson series.

All of the same actors return to play their respective parts in the sequel to the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.  Noomi Rapace once again delivers a perfect Lisbeth Salander who kicks ass and researches like no other! The film pretty much follows the book storyline, although much more simplified in order to fit it into a two hour movie.  There are some graphic scenes and a couple very naked sexual parts of the film.

In my opinion, it would be necessary to read the book before watching this movie because there are just too many details that couldn't be included.  One might be a bit confused at the general point of the story, like the research that Dag and Mia were conducting on the side, or the joint investigation by Bublanski's team, Armansky's team, and Millenium.  Many characters with a smaller role weren't actually identified, and you would only know who they are from the book. 

Overall, the sequel was just as good as the first.  The ending is pretty amazing. That's all I'm going to say. Go rent it! I'd probably give it a 7 out of 10. I can't wait to read the final book and finish the series, but I'm on a hiatus know in order to focus on school work... boo.

Stephanie, WWT

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