Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mid-Day (or late nite) Snack: A Healthy Chocolate Fix?

I have recently discovered the most wonderful way to get a healthy, completely organic snack, while at the same time satisfying my craving for chocolate! It comes in the form of Larabar's Jocalat, a line of chocolate bars to complement their fruit flavored ones. Now anyone who has just tried the fruit ones might have been a little turned off. I agree, some of them have a funky tangy flavor, but the Jocalats are the closest thing you'll find to a healthy candy bar. Each Jocalat bar contains 7 ingredients or less! Here is what was in mine:
  • Dates
  • Walnuts
  • Hazelnuts
  • Unsweetened Chocolate
  • Cashews
  • Coffee
  • Cocoa Powder

The texture of these amazing bars of goodness is extremely soft. So soft they almost crumble when you bite into them! There are little fruit and nut bits in them and a delicious chocolatey flavor. The one I tried was the Chocolate Coffee bar, but I know they have a Chocolate Hazelnut as well as a Chocolate Mint one.  The dark, dramatic wrapper makes them easy to spot.

Sorry for the bad pic, but this is what the bar looks like

These magical chocolate bars give you 1/2 serving of fruit and if the taste isn't enough to get you hooked, check out these healthy attributes that they offer:
  • Completely Organic
  • Gluten Free
  • Dairy Free
  • Soy Free
  • Non - GMO
  • Vegan
  • Kosher
  • 5g of fiber
  • Cholesterol and Sodium Free
  • Fair Trade Certified

If you haven't tried the regular fruit ones, I suggest you do so. I think the Cashew Cookie one is particularly yummy, but I have to say I didn't really like the Coconut Cream Pie one. Their flavors all boast some sort of dessert theme like Bluberry Muffin, Banana Bread, Apple Pie, Cinnamon Roll, and Carrot Cake.  I'll have to try those sometime, they all sound delicious! There are 19 fruit flavors and 4 Jocalat flavors and you can check them all out at Larabar's website here. According to the website, the bars are made by grinding fruit, nuts, and spices with no baking or cooking involved!

So go to your local supermarket and try a flavor! You might be surprised and if you love them, you won't feel guilty for indulging because everything is natural and organic!

Stay healthy!

-Stephanie, WWT

Monday, March 28, 2011

Hockey Nightmare

Our league logo! DVCHC!

So last night I played the game of my life! Our hockey team had a scrimmage against the wonderful St. Joe's team who is new to our league next season and wanted some practice. Of course I couldn't resist a chance to show off my lack of hockey skills so I went, expecting the rest of our team, oh, lets say 20 or so girls, would be there. When I jumped in the van ready to go, I was quickly informed that our six person van contained the entire team, minus our goalie. 6 play three 17 minute periods of hockey....that equals ONE person getting to rest at a time. Now I'm not sure if you're familiar with hockey but normally there are three lines of offense (3 players each, a center and two wings) as well as 2 or 3 pairs of defensemen. Yeah, we had 6 people for the entire game and we had butterflies. We all agreed that this was the most nervous we had been before a game the entire season, and it was just a scrimmage!!

Anyway, we get out on the ice and tried to scrap together a meager excuse for a warm-up with only six people for drills. Then they state that it's time for the national anthem...sung by their acapella group. Oh, did I mention the 200+ fans at this stadium?? Plus, the game is located at the Class of '23 rink in the center of Philly. Like, we didn't even have this many fans at our Hagerstown playoffs for like 10 teams combined. So yeah, intimidation to the max. I digress though. The voices from their acapella group were heavenly. I mean this officially made the game legit. We trembled on the blue line, facing our stars and stripes not daring to look back at the army of 20-30 girls waiting to crush our souls.

After that we met back up at the bench to have a chat with our coach and an NHL sounding announcer voice booms over the loudspeaker.  He announces all of our names, I mean we only had 6 people so that pretty much was our starting lineup. Then they make a big show out of the St. Joe's lineup and they skate around on the ice when their name is called. Ok, I didn't have a problem with this at all. It was actually kind of nice, and I was happy for them that they were so excited and our scrimmage meant so much to them. Maybe they were just looking at their odds.

So after the ridiculously professional game announcements I was expecting fireworks and the whole nine yards. Well, no fireworks, but this old man in a suit comes out with a player helping him out to center ice....for the ceremonial first puck dropping. Yeah, no joke. One of our girls went out to take the 'face-off' and posed for pictures. We pretty much made history for them.  So at this point we're all freaking out and on the verge of nervously puking. We realize the game is starting and I go out on the first face off of the game, something I've never done before. Usually I'm on the third line so this was a rare opportunity that I fully took advantage of.

The game progressed and for not having practiced in about a month or two, the six of us were holding up pretty well. I'm pretty sure I had a 10 minute continuous shift. Bottom line, my thighs were on fire. Their obnoxious fans were beating on the plexiglass boards the entire game....yeah I'm not joking they stood up the ENTIRE GAME to pound like savages looking for blood. I felt like a gladiator in the colosseum who fans cheered at whenever I made a wrong move or missed a shot. Stress level over the roof? Check. Heart rate beating inhumanly fast? Check. Can't feel my legs anymore? Check. Sweating shotgun shells? Check. (get it? like instead of sweating bullets, i was sweating shotgun shells? ok nevermind)

We end up winning 3-1. I'll be honest, my goal was to just complete the game. We were all in a state of delirium afterwards and couldn't believe that we somehow managed to hold up and even win! I left feeling better about myself and our combined efforts to come out and beat our newest addition to the Delaware Valley Collegiate Hockey ....C....something. I forgot what the last C stands for but in short, the DVCHC! Of course we all went out to dinner afterwards and I realized something.  No matter how much more skilled the other girls were than me, and no matter how little experience I have compared to them, I mattered. If I hadn't been there, no one would have gotten the chance to rest. We may not have made it with the same 5 players playing the entire game, but we did it with 6.

Check out Villanova's Hockey Team here!

I consider myself lucky to be able to play college hockey, something a Californian never really aspires to. I have had amazing opportunities and this game just confirms that. What originally seemed like an impossible battle, became a historical achievement. We survived. We did it. WE WON!!!

Bottom Line = YOU MATTER! No matter how insignificant you might feel, no matter how better someone else is at something than you, you matter. You make a difference and people depend on you. It took an experience like this for me to realize this. Take time to think about who you matter to as well as who in your life matters to you.

-Stephanie, WWT

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kara's Cupcakes Review

I recently discovered on a trip back home to California that there is a Kara's Cupcakes located only ten minutes away from my house in Walnut Creek, CA!

The first Kara's was founded in San Francisco by executive pastry chef Kara Lind, whose cupcake empire has now grown to six stores across the bay area. The Walnut Creek store is fairly new, but I was so impressed by the simple, yet chic, atmosphere.

I went with my mom on a weekday for some shopping and browsing and we decided to stop in and get some breakfast cupcakes. We both opted for the filled cupcakes for $3.25 which have an awesome filling inside.I tried the Banana Caramel, which is a filled cupcake with a caramel filling, and a silky cream cheese frosting. It was amazing and reminded me of a sweet banana cake, similar to a carrot cake.

My mom tried the filled Fleur de Sel cupcake, a chocolate cupcake with caramel filling, and ganache frosting topped with Fleur de Sel. Hers was equally delicious, but I personally preferred the spices in the Banana Caramel. Cupcakes and coffee, a perfect way to start out the day. Service was wonderful and we even went back after we had shopped a bit to take one home for my dad. They even have cute little mini cupcakes, which are just smaller versions of all of their regular cupcakes.

I will definitely be back this summer to try the Raspberry Dazzle (a chocolate cupcake with raspberry cream filling) the Passion Fruit (vanilla cupcake with passion fruit) and probably the Java and Kara's Karrot cupcakes.

Photo taken from Amuse Bouche blog

Kara's also makes full size cakes and there are gluten free versions of the Sweet Vanilla, Chocolate Velvet, and Coconut cupcakes. You should definitely travel to the nearest Kara's if you live in the bay area. You will not be disappointed and will be treated to a decadent treat of goodness!

Check out their menu here!

-Stephanie, WWT

Stephanie: The Daughter

This is my first journal entry that I'm writing and sharing with you. Keep in mind that this is designed to be written freely and unedited so it may be all over the place. Don't judge!

Anniversary Dinner
I am a daughter, who is fortunate to have two loving parents that have given me everything in life. Although we have fought and had our disagreements, I realize now that they all pretty much surrounded petty, trivial, things. 

I am an only child, which has made me a more independent person I believe. Growing up, I became fluent in the art of imaginative play. Creating other worlds and surroundings out of toys and bedrooms, I think that definitely fostered my creative side. Of course I had friends and played socially with others at school, however when it came time to want to play a board game or something, I felt somewhat alone.

Don't get me wrong, I don't blame my parents for not constantly wanting to play games with me, but I always wanted a sibling.  I don't think only children get spoiled, at least, I never felt that way. I appreciate it now, knowing that I probably enjoyed the full experience of everything I did with my parents. Can you imagine if I had had a sibling with me in Disneyland to share the experience with? I probably never would have gotten to ride the rides that I wanted to! Ugh compromises! Still, I think siblings teach us something. I am thankful to be an only child though. I matured very quickly because of this I think.

Even now, there is nothing I look forward to more in my life than going home to spend time with my parents.  The stress nevertheless shows, and we end up getting in some stupid argument.  I really need to figure out why this is.

As a child I was always involved in sports. Swimming, basketball, volleyball, golf, tennis, badminton, even archery.  I may never have wanted to voluntarily play golf when I was little, but my Dad pushed me to.  I am thankful for my parents opening me up to opportunities, even if I was never the best player on my basketball team.  I learned that you can't be the best at everything.  Now, I don't think of myself as being "forced" to do anything. My parents just didn't want me to be a quitter. I am fortunate to have tried many different things.

The same can be said for me wanting to play the piano. Yes, I admit, I am the one that begged my parents for a piano, and lessons. Honestly, I don't remember what sparked the desire for musical ability, but I definitely would get upset with it. I would sit crying playing the piano because I couldn't get certain notes right. I probably blamed this on my mom and her "making" me practice constantly. Now, I would thank her for it.  Although I did stop taking piano lessons after we moved, I completely enjoy it now. I love being able to sit down and create music, or revisit my old songbooks. I would like to thank my parents for that. I can understand how difficult parenting is now that I think about it. Having a kid that says they want to do anything is daunting for parents who aren't billionaires. 

I guess looking back on it, I can't fault my parents for anything. What may have seemed like something totally unfair when I was a child, I am thankful for now. Some tough love really is the best teacher. So here is a list of things I'd like to thank my parents for:
  1. Thank you for teaching me to never give up, even when it gets hard.
  2. Thank you for teaching me to be independent, but smart about it.
  3. Thank you for pushing me to never be a quitter, and to follow through with things you start, no matter how much you begin to dislike keeping up with it.
  4. Thank you for teaching me to be healthy while having fun.
  5. Thank you for providing me with endless opportunities and experiences that will stick with me til the day I die.
  6. Thank you for teaching me that while there are people that will always have more than you, there are also people that will never have as much as you. Jealousy and envy aren't flattering. Giving and charity are.
  7. Thank you for teaching me that it is important to stick up for yourself, so you won't get trampled on. At the same time, you must know when to back off.
  8. Thank you for teaching me to love myself and feel beautiful.
  9. Thank you for giving me everything I've ever needed, most of what I wanted, and all of your love.
  10. Thank you for putting up with my rants, no matter how pointless or confusing they might have been.

My parents!
Thank you Mom and Dad, I am so proud to be your daughter.

Everyone is a son or daughter to someone. Let them know how much you care and write/reflect on your life so far. Share your stories!

-Stephanie, WWT

Friday, March 25, 2011

Cross-Train Your Brain!

So I've been reading this book titled "Cross-Train Your Brain" by Stephen Eiffert.

Find it on Amazon here.

It essentially tells us that we don't use our creative side of our brain enough.  By developing our creative right hemisphere to dominate our thinking, we can begin to feel in-tune with our entire brain. By example, if we were in a difficult situation that we feel powerless to, our normal response would be to get frustrated and angry.  If we utilized our creative side, we might realize that we are thinking too negatively, therefore limiting our happiness. We might create a new way of viewing the situation or a new response to it. We might instead attribute it to external factors beyond our control, rather than blaming ourselves.  By thinking creatively and positively, we can begin to develop a healthy thinking lifestyle.

Here's an exercise to stimulate your right brain creativity that I will do myself and share in my blog over the course of the next couple weeks.
  1. First, begin by writing your name in the middle of a piece of paper. Then think about all the ways that you can describe yourself. Draw them branching out from your name.
    1. My example would be something like this (daughter, student, athlete, amateur photographer, niece, granddaughter, friend, neighbor, etc)
  2. Now pick one to write about. It doesn't matter what you write, whether it flows, or how grammatically correct you sound. Just write! Writing every day is a great way to stimulate your brain.

By doing this exercise you are really taking a look at how you see yourself as well as the meaning that you attribute to your various relationships in life. What can you do to change negative aspects of yourself? A great way to keep up with this is daily journal writing. I know it's hard because I've tried before and I can barely keep up for a week. If you don't have time to physically handwrite in a journal, then type up your own diary or blog on the computer. Putting your thoughts into words helps to organize them, you'll be surprised.

A technique that has worked for me many times when I'm angry about something, is to write down my feelings.  Sometimes, I will write down what I would like to say to the person I am angry with. Then when I walk away and come back to it, I am always surprised by what I had written and how it sounds.  When you are frustrated, do you ever find that you can't think clearly? It is due to our left brain taking over and dominating our thought process.  We are less inclined to give into our emotional side and babble nonsense responses when arguing like "Because I said so!!"

So I will update my first journal entry soon, I'll probably start with daughter, the easiest, yet probably most detailed way to categorize myself.

Find ways to think creatively and positively. It will do more for your brain health in the long run!

-Stephanie, WWT

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Fever: The Groundhog Got it Wrong!

With spring here now, many of us have decided to take full advantage of the brilliant sunlight and 40 - 50 degree temperatures of March. I understand that the groundhog told you people that spring would be here quickly, but really? The month of February is still categorized as a winter month the last time I checked yet that's when I began to notice girls sporting dresses and skirts, dying to expose some skin in order to get some color back on their pale, sunlight-deprived legs. It's now nearing the end of March, and we're expecting snow in our forecast! The harsh winter just doesn't seem to want to let go. 

Growing up in California, spring was just a natural occurrence that didn't bring drastic changes in temperature. We had no snow to melt and the climate was always relatively mild. From where I'm from, it is unheard of to wear shorts below 60 degrees and most people panic when it drops below 40. When i came to the East coast, I was met with a class of people that seem to have an entirely different mindset about spring.  It's like, at the first sign or mention of good weather people start to dress as if it was summer. I asked myself whether these people had developed some sort of insulating skin layer or were just being anxious. My only conclusion is that these poor people who subject themselves to living in these awful conditions have developed something like a seasonal disease.

I began to realize that the cold, long, winter months here seem to exaggerate the false warmth of February and March.  Anything above 45 degrees becomes "nice" weather.  The sun starts to shine, yet it still remains freezing outside.  This doesn't seem to stop the rock hard determination of the people living here however.  They wear their dresses and shorts with pride, fighting the urge to shiver or grimace at the gusts of chilling wind.  So to all of you summer hungry people out there, I salute and applaud your enthusiasm! This truly is dedication...or foolishness.

This is what happens when you rely on a rodent for your weather forecast! Good luck and hang in there, summer is on its way...I hope.

-Stephanie, WWT

Limitless Movie Review

Due to my undying love for Bradley Cooper I felt the urgent need to write a review on his latest movie, Limitless.  I had been looking forward to this movie ever since I had seen the trailer, showing my favorite actor in the leading role.  Although at first the plot seems a little fantastic, as the movie continues you realize that the aesthetic scenes and settings, along with great acting and thrilling situations really make this film come together. I loved it!

The plot of the movie surrounds Eddie Morra, an unsuccessful writer who hears of a new drug called NZT from his ex-brother-in-law, a drug dealer.  Due to desperation and boredom, Eddie takes the drug and experiences a whole new world view, due to his ability to utilize all of his brain power at the same time. All of a sudden, he becomes successful, intelligent, popular, and rich, without putting in the effort or time that it would take any normal person to do. Immediate success and gratification without having to work for it, isn't that what we all want?

He immediately becomes obsessed with the pill and gets his hands on a stash as quickly as possible. As he begins to turn his life around, he finds that it is getting harder to keep his new enhancement a secret and realizes that he is potentially in lots of danger.  He begins experiencing harmful and life threatening side effects that make him reconsider the benefits of this wonder-drug. The movie has many plot twists and exciting, thrilling scenes that keep it fast-paced. Along the way we see Robert De Niro as well as Abbie Cornish in small, supporting roles to Bradley Cooper, who remains the star of the show. I thought he did an amazing job acting, playing the role flawlessly. I mean come on, those blue eyes alone make the film worth watching ;)

Anyway, if you want to see a fun, thrilling, intelligent movie that will make you think afterwards, go see Limitless! As a side note, the movie was shot in Philadelphia, but made to look like New York so anyone from Philly will recognize some of the streets and scenes. Too bad I wasn't there during filming!

If you've seen the movie already, what did you think? If you could take a pill to make you more intelligent, competent, attractive, and overall just a more successful person would you do it, despite knowing it has drastic side-effects and addictive properties?

Check out this fake commercial promo for the movie!
Movie Site and Trailer here.

Don't do drugs!...Unless they make you limitless! ;)

-Stephanie, WWT