Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Fever: The Groundhog Got it Wrong!

With spring here now, many of us have decided to take full advantage of the brilliant sunlight and 40 - 50 degree temperatures of March. I understand that the groundhog told you people that spring would be here quickly, but really? The month of February is still categorized as a winter month the last time I checked yet that's when I began to notice girls sporting dresses and skirts, dying to expose some skin in order to get some color back on their pale, sunlight-deprived legs. It's now nearing the end of March, and we're expecting snow in our forecast! The harsh winter just doesn't seem to want to let go. 

Growing up in California, spring was just a natural occurrence that didn't bring drastic changes in temperature. We had no snow to melt and the climate was always relatively mild. From where I'm from, it is unheard of to wear shorts below 60 degrees and most people panic when it drops below 40. When i came to the East coast, I was met with a class of people that seem to have an entirely different mindset about spring.  It's like, at the first sign or mention of good weather people start to dress as if it was summer. I asked myself whether these people had developed some sort of insulating skin layer or were just being anxious. My only conclusion is that these poor people who subject themselves to living in these awful conditions have developed something like a seasonal disease.

I began to realize that the cold, long, winter months here seem to exaggerate the false warmth of February and March.  Anything above 45 degrees becomes "nice" weather.  The sun starts to shine, yet it still remains freezing outside.  This doesn't seem to stop the rock hard determination of the people living here however.  They wear their dresses and shorts with pride, fighting the urge to shiver or grimace at the gusts of chilling wind.  So to all of you summer hungry people out there, I salute and applaud your enthusiasm! This truly is dedication...or foolishness.

This is what happens when you rely on a rodent for your weather forecast! Good luck and hang in there, summer is on its way...I hope.

-Stephanie, WWT

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