Sunday, March 27, 2011

Stephanie: The Daughter

This is my first journal entry that I'm writing and sharing with you. Keep in mind that this is designed to be written freely and unedited so it may be all over the place. Don't judge!

Anniversary Dinner
I am a daughter, who is fortunate to have two loving parents that have given me everything in life. Although we have fought and had our disagreements, I realize now that they all pretty much surrounded petty, trivial, things. 

I am an only child, which has made me a more independent person I believe. Growing up, I became fluent in the art of imaginative play. Creating other worlds and surroundings out of toys and bedrooms, I think that definitely fostered my creative side. Of course I had friends and played socially with others at school, however when it came time to want to play a board game or something, I felt somewhat alone.

Don't get me wrong, I don't blame my parents for not constantly wanting to play games with me, but I always wanted a sibling.  I don't think only children get spoiled, at least, I never felt that way. I appreciate it now, knowing that I probably enjoyed the full experience of everything I did with my parents. Can you imagine if I had had a sibling with me in Disneyland to share the experience with? I probably never would have gotten to ride the rides that I wanted to! Ugh compromises! Still, I think siblings teach us something. I am thankful to be an only child though. I matured very quickly because of this I think.

Even now, there is nothing I look forward to more in my life than going home to spend time with my parents.  The stress nevertheless shows, and we end up getting in some stupid argument.  I really need to figure out why this is.

As a child I was always involved in sports. Swimming, basketball, volleyball, golf, tennis, badminton, even archery.  I may never have wanted to voluntarily play golf when I was little, but my Dad pushed me to.  I am thankful for my parents opening me up to opportunities, even if I was never the best player on my basketball team.  I learned that you can't be the best at everything.  Now, I don't think of myself as being "forced" to do anything. My parents just didn't want me to be a quitter. I am fortunate to have tried many different things.

The same can be said for me wanting to play the piano. Yes, I admit, I am the one that begged my parents for a piano, and lessons. Honestly, I don't remember what sparked the desire for musical ability, but I definitely would get upset with it. I would sit crying playing the piano because I couldn't get certain notes right. I probably blamed this on my mom and her "making" me practice constantly. Now, I would thank her for it.  Although I did stop taking piano lessons after we moved, I completely enjoy it now. I love being able to sit down and create music, or revisit my old songbooks. I would like to thank my parents for that. I can understand how difficult parenting is now that I think about it. Having a kid that says they want to do anything is daunting for parents who aren't billionaires. 

I guess looking back on it, I can't fault my parents for anything. What may have seemed like something totally unfair when I was a child, I am thankful for now. Some tough love really is the best teacher. So here is a list of things I'd like to thank my parents for:
  1. Thank you for teaching me to never give up, even when it gets hard.
  2. Thank you for teaching me to be independent, but smart about it.
  3. Thank you for pushing me to never be a quitter, and to follow through with things you start, no matter how much you begin to dislike keeping up with it.
  4. Thank you for teaching me to be healthy while having fun.
  5. Thank you for providing me with endless opportunities and experiences that will stick with me til the day I die.
  6. Thank you for teaching me that while there are people that will always have more than you, there are also people that will never have as much as you. Jealousy and envy aren't flattering. Giving and charity are.
  7. Thank you for teaching me that it is important to stick up for yourself, so you won't get trampled on. At the same time, you must know when to back off.
  8. Thank you for teaching me to love myself and feel beautiful.
  9. Thank you for giving me everything I've ever needed, most of what I wanted, and all of your love.
  10. Thank you for putting up with my rants, no matter how pointless or confusing they might have been.

My parents!
Thank you Mom and Dad, I am so proud to be your daughter.

Everyone is a son or daughter to someone. Let them know how much you care and write/reflect on your life so far. Share your stories!

-Stephanie, WWT

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