Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentine's Day: Happy to be Single!!

Yes. That's right everyone. I'm single and I love life!!Being as this is my last semester of college, I have come to realize that life is so much LESS complicated when you don't have to worry about a boyfriend.  You can go out, dance, meet new people, and have fun without being restrained by a relationship. Now, in no way am I saying that being in a relationship is awful. Actually, most of my friends have boyfriends, which I admit, can be awkward when you're the only single gal there, but it also comes with a sense of independence and freedom.  Who says girls and guys can't be friends??

I used to worry about never being able to find a guy and thought dating was super awkward (well, it still is :P). Now, I am thoroughly enjoying being single. I shouldn't HATE Valentine's Day - I don't have to worry about buying a significant other a gift!! Life is sooo much easier. More chocolate for me!!!

So to everyone out there with a special someone to celebrate with - have fun and remember to tell not only your bf/gf how much you love them, but also your family, friends, and everyone who supports you. 

We can show our love for everyone we appreciate in our lives, not just our romantic partners.

To all my single ladies out there, go out with the girls and celebrate your freedom. Maybe you will meet some single guys too ;)

Happy Valentine's Day to all!!!

Spread the            LO

Stephanie, WWT

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