Sunday, February 19, 2012

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Part 1 of my Philadelphia reflection/visitor's guide: The Philadelphia Museum of Art!!

Iconic Rocky statue out front. Be sure to get a pic at this wonderful photo op!

I have only been here twice I think, yet I love the museum even more every time I visit. Check their website, because I think every 2nd Sunday of every month the museum is "pay what you want" (aka free). It's worth paying though even if you can't make it on Sunday. I highly recommend going here as I think I would consider it my favorite art museum in the United States. 

Aside from their amazing collection of paintings, sculptures, and more, the museum is set up with parts of the artwork almost being built into the walls.  This adds to the old atmosphere of the museum and provides wonderful visuals throughout your visit.  On the second floor there is also a collection of tapestries depicting certain events in the life of Alexander the Great. These are worth checking out and listening to the free phone guide that you can call. PLEASE NOTE HOWEVER: The docents will ask you to please hang up if you are making a call anywhere inside the museum as cell phones aren't allowed (except for the phone tour). Cameras are allowed though!

If you return to the museum, beware! Sometimes they switch around their collections so that favorite painting may have been moved to a new location! This can be annoying, yet kind of fun because it forces you to look at new things.

Here are some of my favorite things I have spotted in the museum:
#1 - William Penn Miniature Model
I didn't find the information about the sculptor or anything, but the model was used to build the one on top of City Hall.

#2 - "Spring" by John La Farge (American)
1900 - 1902, Opalescent Glass, Painted Glass, Lead

This is one of the most beautiful stained/painted glass windows I have seen. It's not a window in the museum really, but rather backlit with a light behind it on a wall. It's definitely worth checking out.

#3 - Asian Orb Thing - ???

For some reason due to my inadequate search abilities, I cannot find the name of this orb/metal sculpture work. I think it is Chinese and will continue my search through the library collection to find it. Isn't it so cool though?

#4 - "The Archangel Michael" by Juan Correa the Younger (Mexican)
1739, Oil on Canvas

This is one of my absolute favorite paintings in the museum. There is also another painting by Correa of the Archangel Raphael which is usually in the same room as this one.

#5 -

I love this painting just because there is SOOOO much going on in it. It is so intricately detailed too that you constantly find new things everytime you look at it.

I could keep going, but I think the best advice I can give is to go see the museum for yourself! You won't be disappointed I guarantee it. I think this February they're opening a new exhibit on Van Gogh too which would be worth checking out.

Have any favorite museums or places to go in Philly? Share!!

Stephanie, WWT

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