Sunday, March 25, 2012


I'll admit, and I'm not being egocentric or selfish here, but I really care about other people. So much so that I often feel responsible for them and what happens to them. So when someone who is practically like a sister to me confides in me her biggest secret, how do I deal with it? I want to make sure she's ok, but keeping it bottled up inside, to myself is 10x harder.  I know I can't break that confidence and trust, but to what point does concern overrrule secrecy?

It's not even my problems that have me concerned, but rather problems of others. I spend so much time caring for others that sometimes I forget to take care of myself.  I think I somehow vicariously take on other peoples' problems.  I want to be there as a resource and a friend, but sometimes it's genuinely hard.

Food tastes awful, I don't want sleep and when I do sleep it's not satisfying. I'm not happy anymore and the things that I'm going through seem awful.
I really am at the lowest point in my life right now. This stupid shit that I'm putting myself through makes me feel like I hate myself. Especially when I'm dealt completely unfair cards. Don't play mind games with me, I'm sick of this shit.

You call me ridiculous crap and expect me to be proud of it and to fall in love with it? Excuse me but I liked the first option. You make me wear ridiculous crap and then tell me what I can and can't do? How is making me feel awful about myself teaching me to be a stronger person. I feel awful, because I look awful and I want to harm myself. You cut me off from all ways I can connect to other people to teach me what... isolation?

I'm already freaking isolated!! Now more than ever I want to go back into my shell and forget about life. I'm depressed and feeling at my worst. Congratulations, you've torn me apart, into fragile little pieces and I may never be able to put myself back together. I want to right myself and pick myself up, but I just don't have the energy.

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