Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

So every new year the good old topic of resolutions comes up. We convince ourselves that with a new year comes a fresh start that will allow us to accomplish things that we just couldn't before, whether it was due to a lack of time, effort, or the determinedness to stick with something.

So how about it people? Does this year feel especially productive to you? I know a New Year's resolution that I would like to have, mainly keeping up this blog at LEAST once a week, despite the fact that nobody reads it...

Has anyone actually had any success stories with resolutions? I mean, like keeping up with them for an entire year? If you do please share, maybe it will give all of us a confidence boost if we know it's possible.

Feel free to comment (Be the first! lol) and share your resolutions and we can all help each other to stay on track!

Good Luck Everyone!
-Stephanie, WWT

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