Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The State of Our Union

I'm guessing that many of you tuned into watch the State of the Union address last night, unless you're a college student like me! Fortunately, my mother texted me last night to remind me to watch. I can't say it actually inspired me or piqued my interest about our country's issues sadly to say. The same buzz words were flying around and topics that have been brought to our attention in the past couple years once again dominated the speech. This graphic depicts the words frequently used in Obama's speech, the bigger words meaning they were used more frequently.

See the complete article here.

Healthcare, jobs, education, social security, Republicans vs. Democrats etc. We have heard all these things before and frankly, I wasn't enlightened as to how we will solve any of the current problems, or the ones we are facing in the near future. The main idea emphasized seemed to be innovation. To back his belief in the technological advancements of our country a powerpoint accompanied the speech and a high-tech website was created, seemingly just for this single speech at the White House State of the Union.

Of course the President addressed the absence of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords whose condition has recently been updated to 'Good.' Obama stated, "Tucson reminded us that no matter who we are or where we come from, each of us is a part of something greater – something more consequential than party or political preference. We are part of the American family."

This morning I reread the full transcript of the address which surprisingly seems more rousing on paper. Maybe the reason for this is the elimination of all that incessant clapping and standing between sentences. I think a speech loses its momentum a bit when after every other statement, the speaker is essentially, interrupted with a wave of applause. I realize this is a form of honor and appreciation, but personally, I wouldn't mind if attendees were restrained from clapping until the end of the speech. Then maybe they could have a ten minute long applause session.

Obama ended his speech on an inspiring note saying, "The idea of America endures. Our destiny remains our choice. And tonight, more than two centuries later, it is because of our people that our future is hopeful, our journey goes forward, and the state of our union is strong."

What are your ideas about the state of our Union? How about the clapping issue? Should people be allowed to constantly applaud during the speech? Which issues would you like to see further addressed?
You can read the entire speech here.

Comments and questions are always welcome, don't be shy! :)
Keep innovating America,

-Stephanie, WWT

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