Thursday, January 27, 2011

TGFS - Thank God For Snowdays!

As most everyone has heard, the northeast has been blanketed with at least a foot of snow, two feet in some areas.  This weather is a lot even for residents who put up with shoveling snow year rouund, let alone for someone from California. As I recieved a text Wednesday morning at 8:30 informing me that classes were cancelled, I was relieved.  That meant four classes for me were cancelled, including a three hour night class.

That also meant that my 10:00 hockey practice was cancelled, what was I going to do? Needless to say I enjoyed the day, relaxed, did some reading, and watched some tv. You can imagine my surprise as I woke up this morning at 6:00am to the text that said all classes were once again cancelled today. Now, I love a snow day as much as everyone else, but two days in a row? Now it was getting tricky. I have a blood drive donation scheduled today, what happens to that? I also need to schedule some appointments and talk to some people about housing arrangements next year, but when all staff are also taking the day off, I am left wondering if I will ever get these problems resolved.

When do snow days become too much? Sure it's fun to interrupt your daily routine for a while, but for more than a day? I get to the point where it almost throws my entire schedule off.  It can be difficult to maintain plans and arrangements that have already been made. Snow days continue to be a surreal experience for me, growing up in California my entire k through 12 education, I only had one snow day that downed a tree on the road to my school in the mountains, and believe me, THAT was exciting.

Now, it seems like a nuisance. Tell me your thoughts, have you always grown up with snowdays or never had one in your lifetime? How many is too many in a row?
To all of the students out there, enjoy your snowday, unless it interrupts something important for you. In that case, we can only hope for the plows to work miracles.

Have fun!

Stephanie, WWT

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