Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day Bummer

Again I apologize to all of my nonexistant readers out there for not updating in a few days. I've been sick and I've had midterms, haha funny story. So today I thought I had a midterm exam at 10:00, and I got up at 7:00 to study for it. Being sick has cut into my study time the past few days so I thought I would review this morning. I get to class, and look at everyone else who seems suprisingly nonchalant about today's impending midterm exam. I realize I'm the only one who typed up a six page study guide and I start to wonder.

My professor comes in and starts writing notes on the board and begins the lecture. I whisper to my neighbor, "I thought we had an exam today!" Well, it was more of a hoarse, throaty whisper because I can barely talk due to an unknown illness I currently have (the health center sent a culture in so, we'll see how that goes). Anyway, my neighbor goes, "No he decided to move it to Thursday."

Now I'm feeling two different things at this point. #1, I am so glad that I have another two days to study because I was totally cramming this morning and #2, I am so angry I came to an hour and fifteen minute lecture while I can barely concentrate due to my burning throat/chest.

On top of that, my Valentine's Day sucked. Not only do I not have any special someone to spend it with, but I am super far away from any family and friends that I have back home. Oh, yeah, and I got sick!
Anyway, that didn't stop me from enjoying the lovely Valentine's Day desserts in the dining hall last night! Between four different kinds of cakes, cupcakes, three different types of brownies, as well as a chocolate fondue, I think I enjoyed myself. I did find the standard candy hearts that are to be expected during Valentine's Day, however, I was greeted with unusual messages.

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but don't these seem like they came from a box of candy hearts for the confused lover or something? I mean seriously, what happened to "Be Mine" and "Love U"? These seem like what you might read in a bad breakup text. What has happened to our society??
I started to wonder, then I picked up some more just to check and found some slightly more normal messages.

Aww, that's more like it. Now this is something you would give to your lover. I realize Valentine's Day is a special day to show people you love exactly how much you love and care about them. Sometimes, I just feel as if it all becomes a little superficial after a while. Here's another thought I'll leave you with. My dorm is planning a Valentine's Day party for this Thursday...?? How can you have a V-Day party three days after the day already happened? I'm not sure I understand the logic behind that one.

I hope everyone else out there had a great time on V-Day. Enjoy the leftover sweets!

Stephanie, WWT


  1. If it would make you feel better, do you know how many women get hurt by their significant others if they rush in to something. They say it is better to wait and meet the right person than to rush into something just so you can say that you did something on the "V" day.

  2. what a great blog! I`m so happy I found it! Here is so many inspirations and I love it! <3

    Have a nice time,

  3. Wow my first comments!

    Munir, you are completely right. It would be ten times worse to spend Valentine's day with someone you didn't like. Finding someone perfect is truly worth the wait. Thanks!

    Paula, thank you! I hope you continue to find inspiration, and I will be sure to update more often now that I know I have readers :)

    Thanks guys I appreciate the feedback!
