Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Macy's Flower Show

I know this post is old and from a while ago, but I had to fit it in with my Philly trip before I move on to my New York posts!

There's me! lol

Sadly the Macy's Flower Show in Philadelphia ended on April 10th, but I was fortunate enough to stop in and catch it in March. I have to admit, it was very cool to have amazing floral displays surrounding you as you walked through the shoe and jewelry department in Macy's. Each day they had a different designer bouquet and the one on display when I went was this one:

As you can see, it was pretty tall.

The colors were kind of crazy, but it was beautiful.

Can you imagine if Macy's was like this everyday? It would take an enormous amount of upkeep, but think of how many customers it would attract! Having a department store that is filled to the brim with fresh flowers and plants is sort of relaxing.

Enjoy all of the photos!

Can you feel the springtime weather yet? It is so humid here in PA yet we're supposed to have thunderstorms tomorrow I think. Oh joy. One more week and I'll be back in Cali! Can't wait!

April showers bring May flowers! 3 more days until May is officially here!

-Stephanie, WWT

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