Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Laziness or Lack of Time?

BOOOO000ooooo. I haven't updated my blog in forever and now I feel horrible. :(

Anyway, now that that's over with! Here is my new schedule for this year and I have to admit, it feels weird to only be taking 4 classes as opposed to my normal load of 6 or 7. They all seem to be very interesting so far, as I've had one class of each now. 3 classes Tue/Thr and only 1 on M/W. Fridays are free! I don't know what I'm going to do with all of this free time!

Here's what I'm taking:

Social Psychiatry
Forensic Psychology
Psych of Gender and Sexuality
Race and Ethnic Relations

All of my Criminal Justice classes have finally finished after my VERY tough Senior Seminar last semester. All that's left are some Sociology and Psychology electives for my psych minor.

It does feel weird to be in my last EVER semester of college. I'm ready to leave, yet I feel that I haven't spent enough time. Never fear! I will be taking many more trips this year so hopefully I'll have lots of material to update on. I already have new posts lined up from over Winter break so we'll see if I can get those written in the coming months. Bear with me as my regular laptop is with my University's tech crew as they are trying to figure out just exactly what the problem is. God help them.

I am currently typing this on a loaner laptop, which, I have to say is much nicer keyboard-wise than my own despite them being the same model. Maybe it has something to do with my keyboard having been replaced 2x now... -_-

Anyway, apologies once again for not updating. I'll have some fantastic recipes and reviews on the way. If you get bored, head on over to my Shutterbug blog, even though I haven't updated the photos on there recently either. Oh well, I've been busy alright?

Best of luck with your New Year's Resolutions. I personally didn't make any, but if there's something I should be doing more of, it is blogging, so for the sake of you lovely reader(s) <-- not sure if more than 1 person actually reads this... but oh well... I will try to keep up and provide you with insightful little snippets out of my life.

Stephanie, WWT

P.S. Oh and by the way, I just turned 21!!!!!!!!YAY! :) Ok, back to your normal lives.

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