Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Travel 2012 Plan

Ok, time to get serious here. I only have like 4 months before I return to the West Coast for good ending my Senior year here at Nova. I still have so much to do!! AAaaahh! Freakout time!!!......
Ok, let's get planning.

Aside from my much anticipated Atlantic City trip scheduled for spring break in March, I've been wanting to go to Philly again and what with Fridays free, I think I definitely have enough time. Here is a list of things I'd still like to, no, scratch that have to do!

1. Go to the Philadelphia Museum of Art one last time! (preferrably on one of the free Sundays!)

2. Go to the Mutter Museum (home of fascinating medical oddities)

3. Try a Geno's cheesesteak (so I can compare it to Pat's!)

4. Eat ice cream at Franklin Fountain (you can see how my list is quickly becoming dominated by food)

5.  Go to Penn's Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

6. Somehow find a way to Gettysburg

Heck, while I'm at it, here's the New York List too!

1. See the Statue of Liberty

2. Go to the top of either the Empire State Building or the Top of the Rock

3. See a Broadway show (preferrably Phantom)

4. Find another food truck and sample their delicacies!

5. Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge

6. See the Wall Street bull

7. Go to the Natural History Museum

And just one more thing in D.C.

1. Go to the Crime and Punishment Museum

I'm also trying to figure out if I can take a trip to Boston sometime too, but I might run out of time :(

Does anyone know of anything fun to do in Baltimore by any chance? That's pretty close as well.
Looks like I have a lot to do and see still. Sigh. World, here I come!

Happy travels during the new year! Have any plans?? Share them :)

Stephanie, WWT

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