Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Mutter Museum

Part 2 of my Philly Guide! The Mutter Museum!!

Photo taken from here.

If you live around Philly, chances are you may have heard about this medical museum pronounced the Moo-ter Museum. Or you may have even been there yourself.

Regardless of if you are a med student, or just a fan of House, this museum is sure to captivate you, that is, if it doesn't gross you out.  If you don't have a strong stomach, or if you are pretty squeamish, you may want to opt out, however the displays aren't presented in a way that is designed to induce grimaces in its visitors. It represents a large collection of bones, wax replicas, and medical instruments, as well as preserved organs and body parts.

Photo taken from here.

I had been wanting to go for a long time, but never had the chance. If you go, I would advise getting off at 30th street station and walking across the bridge down Market st. and down 22nd.  The museum is actually located within the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, which is the oldest professional medical organization in the country.

If you want to visit the museum, it is open Mon - Sun (10am - 5pm) and there is a special student discount for only $10 if you show an ID.  Although you cannot take photography inside, there are plenty of things to occupy yourself with.  In the top floor, walk past the huge case filled with skulls of various ages, ethnicities, and medical abnormalities and diseases. Also check out the exhibit about the "Soap Lady" as well as the cases about the assassinations of Presidents Lincoln and Garfield.

Downstairs there is a collection of more skulls, skeletons, and organs as well as a huge colon, a giant and dwarf skeleton, and casts of the conjoined Siamese twins Chang and Eng. There is also a room dedicated to Gretchen Worden. Don't forget to see Benjamin Rush's medicinal herb garden outside!

BE WARNED!! Some of the exhibits were a bit disturbing.  I couldn't really bear to look at all of the preserved fetuses and babies, maybe because I'm a woman and couldn't picture that being my baby. I wouldn't suggest bringing your kids under 15 here. Maybe even under 20 because they might just act all immature and joke around about stuff.

Overall, the museum was very nice, and gave off an old sort of feel to it.  There was a funky smell downstairs, and in one of the rooms there was a fan blowing constantly, which made it super cold! I am glad to have finally seen it, but it is a little overwhelming.  It is probably an essential visit for anyone considering going into the medical field. 

More museum reviews to come!

Stephanie, WWT

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