Monday, June 20, 2011

1. Take Care of Yourself

Point #1 from the Way to Happiness.
Now, keep in mind that this is a COMMON SENSE guide, so even though they may seem straightforward to most, others may often overlook these things or not have enough time in the day to focus on them.

1) Get Care When You Are Ill

Basically, the guide tells us that stubborn people often don't get help when they are sick and tend to isolate themselves. I know, because I've done this before. My mom constantly stresses that I go visit my school health center if I ever feel sick, and you know what? It's true! Being healthy makes you happy! Duh.

2) Keep Your Body Clean

For the sake of everyone around you, bathe please! Washing your hands also helps keep hands germ free, I mean think about how many things you touch daily! Now, the guide and I have differing opinions about one thing. It says that it is within your right to insist that others bathe and wash their hands. I'm cool with that, as long as you kind of know the person...I mean, walking up to a stranger and telling them to take a shower might not always be the best idea :P

3) Preserve Your Teeth

I really would love to advocate this message to everyone out there. I brush two times a day, in the morning and at night, and I also floss religiously EVERY day... yes I know, I'm crazy, but it makes me feel better! I know if I didn't floss for a day, I would feel dirty. Try your best at it people because it will help prevent gum disease and bad breath too!

4) Eat Properly

This is a hugely important message for our society right now. We are facing an obesity epidemic where many people are saying that the generation of kids who are 7-8 years old right now, will be the first generation to die younger than their parents because of diet and health related issues. Nourish your body and limit processed, packaged, junk and fast foods! It's okay to endulge every once in a while, but don't forget the importance of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. You will also have more energy during the day which will make you feel better :)

5) Get Rest

Another important point. Our society is filled with hardworking people that rarely slow down and take a break to relax.  I know many people in my family who have stress problems, that then lead to sleeping problems. Not only does getting enough sleep help you, but taking time out of your day to enjoy something that you love can also help reduce stress. Meditation and breathing techniques may sound corny, but they can really help to relax the body after a long day.

This first point seems easy enough to follow right? See, not too bad, just some life goals that we might not emphasize enough in our routines. Take some time to evaluate your health, slow down, and nourish your body!

Stephanie, WWT

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