Thursday, June 23, 2011

4. Love and Help Children

Point #4: A very short one, without any bullet points!

I'm not sure I really understand the spiel that is written in point #4 in the guide, it mainly talks about raising children and how to do it properly more or less in three small pages. There are steps that it lists to enable a child to live a life full of happiness, thus, doing/becoming what they love.
These steps can be modified by the following:

a) what the child can become due to inherent make-up and potential

b) what the child really wants to become

c) what one wants the child to become

d) the resources available

Like I said, I'm not sure I fully agree with their explanations, but whatever.  The guide also states that a child must be self-reliant and very moral. Having a strong network of friends also helps children.  As parents, some good advice that it suggests is:

1. try to find out what your child's problem is without crushing their own solutions
2. observe them
3. listen to what your child tells you about their life
4. let children help or they become overwhelmed with a sense of obligation (hmm... whatever)

The most important thing of course is LOVE. Love children because, "most of them have an abundance of it to return."

Stephanie, WWT

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