Saturday, June 25, 2011

7. Seek to Live With the Truth

7 down, 24 more to go.

Certain parts of this are really confusing so I will just sum up the points as I have been doing. I think it has to deal with your beliefs and what is important and real/truthful to you. Something like that...anyway:

1) Do Not Tell Harmful Lies

(doesn't this remind you of Harry Potter? lol)
I like the explanation of this point so I'll just state it here, word for word:

"Harmful lies are the product of fear, malice and envy. They can drive people to acts of desperation. They can ruin lives. They create a kind of trap into which the teller and the target can both fall."

2) Do Not Bear False Witness

The WTH guide doesn't give more than a sentence about this, but basically, it discourages and warns against perjury, or testifying to untrue facts.

"The way to happiness lies along the road to truth"

Honesty is the best policy, right?

Stephanie, WWT

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