Sunday, June 26, 2011

9. Don't Do Anything Illegal

9 down, 12 to go!

Illegal acts = those which are prohibited by official rules or law

I like one of the things expressed in this point, "ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law." In society, every member has a responsibility to know what is considered an illegal act. 

In my studies as a criminal justice student, I know there are always unfortunate instances of young adults and children that are influenced by gangs etc. and it's not always fair to hold them completely responsible. I do believe that juveniles should be given a second chance, because they're the ones that need it the most.  Many people often restrict their views of crime and legality to street crime, when  white collar crimes can have a greater impact on society. Crime is all about wanting to gain an advantage by breaking the laws, otherwise, we wouldn't have them!

It is important to resist peer pressure, no matter how much you want to fit in, or impress someone, there is no excuse or reason to commit an illegal act. "The way to happiness does not include the fear of being found out."

Stephanie, WWT

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