Thursday, August 11, 2011

Book Review: The Postcard Killers

My first book review on my blog! I just finished The Postcard Killers, a collaboration by James Patterson and Liza Marklund, a Swedish author. Now, this was my first time ever reading a book by James Patterson so I didn't really know what to expect. All I can say is, I'm willing to give him another chance, but this wasn't really my cup of tea.

I had seen the book in the front displays of countless stores and figured it might be worth reading. It definitely is an easy summer read since the chapters are all about 1 - 2 pages long and have very large print. I knew it was a thriller/murder mystery book, but I think the publishers might want to rethink the description on the back cover.

Possibly change it to something like, 'erotic, twisted, murder story.' Seriously, there were some components of this story that were just too weird and sadistic for me. Yeah there were a couple of short sex scenes, but they were nothing compared to other tidbits that you find out throughout the story. I don't want to give too much away, but I'll just say this: If you're pretty conservative or traditional, I wouldn't suggest reading this book.

The plot switches back and forth between three major people. The first group are the murderers who we find out more about, as the story progresses. Dessie Larsson, a Swedish reporter/journalist is the next major character who is sent a postcard from the mysterious killers. She teams up with an American NYPD detective Jacob Kanon, who is distraught and hell-bent on revenge for the murder of his daughter and her boyfriend. The two work together and make a somewhat dysfunctional pair as they try to track down the murderers, who seem intent on sending clues to various European newspapers.

The story itself is alright. It wasn't terribly boring, but it wasn't something that I really enjoyed reading either. More of a book to pass the time.
Not only did some of the themes bother me, but the writing seemed a little rushed and not as well thought out as it could have been. I kind of felt like I could have written the book! Anyway, although it was a disappointment, it also didn't take up that much time to read, so I'll just write it off as a dud for me personally.

Anyone else have any opinions? Are there better Patterson books out there that I should have read instead? Share your thoughts :)

Stephanie, WWT

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