Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cooking in College

Major accomplishment.
This morning was my first time every cooking on a gas stove. And it was successful!! I made a half a piece of whole wheat bread, buttered and toasted in a pan, with a small piece of gouda cheese, melted, all topped with a yummy, runny, fried egg. Of course... I forgot to take a picture of my masterpiece -_-
Hopefully tomorrow we'll still have power so I can re-do it and upload a wonderful pic for you.

Living in my new apartment with my two fellow roomies is awesome. There's only three of us, in an apartment meant for 4 so the extra space is fully appreciated. We're all seniors too so that makes it fun!
I hope to have regular updates about my last year of college. I can't belive it's gone by so fast!

Best wishes to everyone, and I hope to get my food pics uploaded if I make eggs tomorrow! :)

Stephanie, WWT

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