Friday, August 5, 2011

Update: Duluth, MN?

Hello to everyone who reads my blog! (Which isn't many, but oh well!)

I have recently relocated to Duluth Minnesota! Well, not permanently, but until next Tuesday at least. I left with both of my parents to go visit my mom's side of the family including grandparents, aunt, uncles, and cousins! It's been about 3 years since I've been back and I was really looking forward to it.

So far the weather has been a bit humid, but a little chilly in the mornings and nights. No mosquito bites yet so we're good there!

The flights from California were horrible to say the least. Let's just say that Delta airlines has made Southwest look like a luxury airliner. I had to take 3 flights totalling about a 9 hour trip for what should only be a 4 hour direct flight.

Oakland - LAX (backtracking ugh)
LAX - Minneapolis
Minneapolis - Duluth

The one thing I was surprised to see was Duluth's new airport that is currently being built. Complete with an entire glass front, it adds a little something unlike the old building with only 4 gates.  Things have changed.
I'll have some photos when I get back as well as some restaurant reviews! Yay!

Everyone go out and enjoy family and friends sometime if you get a chance. Sometimes it's nice to just sit down, relax, and catch up with good company. :)

Stephanie, WWT

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