Saturday, August 27, 2011

Updated Class Schedule

Here are the wonderful classes I'm taking this year!!They have already proven to be very intellectually stimulating :D

Senior Seminar (for criminal justice)
Research Methods and Statistics
Arab Culture
Principles of Nutrition
Cross Cultural Psychology
Argentine Tango (a 1 credit fun course!)

So far, I love the nutrition class, cause I'm a health nut :P
My research and senior seminar mostly revolve around research projects so that will be kind of a lot of work. Arab culture is interesting as well, but we have weekly presentations to give, yippee... -_-
I actually haven't had my dance class yet, cause it's only once a week on Tuesdays so I'll see how that goes!

Has anyone else taken similar courses? Hey, let's take bets on which class will be my favorite/least favorite by the end of the year!

Stephanie, WWT

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