Saturday, August 27, 2011

Irene: Should I be worried?

Well, as most east coasters know now, we are expecting hurricane Irene to strike sometime today or tomorrow. For those of us near the Philly region, the storm is supposed to hit us around 2p.m. on Sunday (tomorrow).

I'm not too sure. First of all, this morning I read on the NY Times that scientists/meteorologists or whoever is in charge of weather reports have downgraded the hurricane from a Category 2 to a Category 1.

Today hasn't been too threatening. So far, we've had some rain that started around noon and that's pretty much it. The storm we experienced on Thursday had more thunder and lightning than this. People are stocking up on food, being advised to stay inside and away from the windows, as well as seeking shelter/being prepared to evacuate if necessary. I don't know about anyone else, but personally, I'm not expecting much. I can't say I've ever been in a hurricane before, coming from California, but all I can anticipate happening is some wind/rain and maybe a power outage.

Just the other day, my roommates and I called maintenance on our campus because our thermostat has been stuck in the 50s for the past week! Yes, we've all been freezing and wearing sweatshirts and sweatpants inside, while it's in the 80s and humid outside. It's been miserable. But anyway, I called maintenance to come and fix our thermostat and they informed me that all of their dispatched workers were busy with the impending storm.... Really? This was yesterday!! It was sunny and hot out all day long!! Ugh! I'm so annoyed at them and everything. Blah. OK, rant finished.

Just, everyone be safe, be smart, and most of all don't do anything stupid. Like run around outside without clothes on in the middle of a hurricane. Please, for everyone's sake.

Stephanie, WWT

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