Friday, April 30, 2010

Kentucky Derby Tomorrow!!

Ok, so this post is going to be super short cause I have an Ethics final tomorrow (that luckily doesn't coincide with the race!)

So the Kentucky Derby is tomorrow and I have my top three picks!
They are:
  1. Sidney's Candy
  2. American Lion
  3. Devil May Care
I feel like it's going to come between the first two but I just had to put the filly in contention! Please don't use my bets as a guideline because I have no knowledge of this stuff. I did look into past races though and the first two definitely impressed me. We'll see tomorrow what happens, there is talk of bad weather that could stir things up, so it could be anyone's game.

Look at the complete list of horses here.
Best of luck on betting!
-Stephanie, WWT

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Food Revolution!!

I'm sure most people have heard of Jamie Oliver and his food revolution by now. The abc show focused on the town of Huntington, WV which was supposedly the most unhealthy town in the United States. I myself have watched every episode so far and think what Jamie is doing is wonderful! So many people do not realize that proper nutrition is so essential to living a healthy lifestyle.

If you believe that the food revolution is a great thing too sign the petition to show your support. I did, and am proud to say that California has the most signatures out of every state so far! Way to go!

I have already made the move to drink less sugary drinks and have pretty much cut out soda from my diet altogether except on special occasions. I've also chosen to skip the chocolate milk, and drink the skim non-fat milk after what I saw on the show. Here's a tip: if you want a soda just remember that one individual bottle is most likely 2 servings, so that 26 grams of sugar listed on the label, is actually 64 grams (from an individual Sprite bottle). I don't know about you but I'd rather eat a sugary dessert instead!

Simple things like this can significantly alter our diets without eliminating the things we love. I can't wait to get back to my home kitchen and start cooking! What are you doing to stay healthy?

Eat your vegetables!

-Stephanie, WWT

Monday, April 26, 2010

Vending Machine Wars

Today, unlike many others, I was thrilled with one of those crappy vending machines. When I went to get a snack, I was fortunate enough to end up with two M&M bags for the price of one! Talk about lucky huh?

But then I started to realize, that my happiness was achieved at someone else's loss. I mean, who doesn't hate it when a vending machine either: a) is sold out or doesn't give you your change back b) get's your snack stuck in those pathetic little loop dispensers or c) somehow completely messes up because of faulty mechanics and takes your money but does nothing?

It aggravates me to no end! That person who failed miserably at trying to purchase a personal pack of M&M's just made my day though, even though they don't know it.

This is for all of you out there who know what it's like to desperately crave a snack, only to have it stolen away from you by those cold metal loops. So, the next time you lose the battle in the fight of ongoing vending machine wars, stop to think, that the next person that comes along and purchases that same snack with an extra pack (or even two) stuck in the loop, will become a little happier in receiving double the joy in your simple, unwilling gesture of gratitude.

Or, you could just pay the extra money and get two snacks. :)
Keep fighting the machines!

-Stephanie, WWT

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Reading Terminal Market, Philly, PA

A visit to Philadelphia wouldn't be complete without heading over to Reading Terminal Market (pronounced like 'red-ing'). This hodgepodge of eclectic foods will definitely not disappoint. Whether you like sweets, looking for a cheap meal, or just want to shop around for some produce, it is a spot to check out.

I was fortunate enough to get to the market early when it wasn't so hectic. My goal was to try something that terrified me since I first heard about it: scrapple.

This fried slab of unidentifiable pork scraps is a traditional Pennsylvania Dutch meal that is usually served for breakfast. I was lucky enough to try my first scrapple from an authentic Pennsylvania Dutch stand in the market. I have to admit, I liked it! The crunchy outside was a great contrast to the mushy sausage tasting inside and went great with some scrambled eggs.
My best advice is to try things you wouldn't normally try at the market! It can be really overwhelming so try to plan out what you really want to try beforehand. You can check out all of the vendors and get a map of the market at its website:

When I went to visit I tried:
  • Scrapple, eggs, and toast breakfast at the Pennsylvania Dutch stand (try it, seriously)
  • Cherry Vanilla and Raspberry Truffle ice cream at Bassett's Ice Cream (so good on a hot day)
  • Baklava from Kamal's Middle Eastern Specialties (nothing to write home about)
  • Chocolate Chip Walnut cookie from the Famous 4th Street Cookie Company (very good)
  • And, I had to buy some fresh produce at Iovine Brothers Produce (great prices)
I suggest you go early for breakfast when its not too crowded, then hit the town and explore Philly, and come back to experience the mad rush at lunchtime. Be sure to wash your clothes afterwards though. You will notice a variety of strange smells from your visit to the market.

Still sick, but still bloggin,'

-Stephanie, WWT

Friday, April 23, 2010

College Farmer's Markets

Well, today it looks like I might be getting sick. What a joy right before finals.

Doesn't everyone just love farmer's markets?

What about one that comes to you!?

Yesterday here at my college campus, they had a special thing where they hosted a mini farmer's market. They had a bread stand from Le Bus Bakery and some fresh fruits and veggies, but the most amazing thing was that everything was under $2.00!

The major attraction though was the sample table, a long table under a tent that had people constantly cooking and making up different foods to sample! I have to admit that I went back for seconds because they were making so many different things. Of course I filled out a comment card, because who wouldn't want a farmer's market like this every week? Sure, they just set up a few tables and it wasn't big or anything but that's the point. It is easy for the school to put on, and us students get a chance to buy fresh produce that comes to us! (not to mention the 25 cent scoops of ice cream!)

I have to say, after some of the moldy/unripe/too ripe fruits or veggies I have had at this college, fresh fruit seems like heaven, and at an affordable cost for a college student.

Do any other colleges out there do something similar? Would all you other students, like me, love to have a farmer's market on your campuses? Share your experiences or what you think of the idea. Personally, I hope it becomes a regular thing next year.

-Stephanie, WWT

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Banana Chips?

So, I was eating banana chips this morning and was wondering why I never attempted to make them myself! So for anyone else who wants to try, I found some recipes online. I won't be able to make them until I get back home to my kitchen, but if anyone attempts either of these, let me know what you think!

First recipe:
• 5 Raw Bananas (peeled)
• 1/4 tsp Turmeric Powder
• Oil for deep-frying
• Salt to taste

• Put the peeled bananas in salted iced water.
• Chop the bananas in water and add turmeric.
• Keep in water for 10 minutes and then drain out water completely.
• Transfer to a kitchen cloth to remove the moisture.
• Heat oil till it starts fuming.
• Deep-fry the slices till almost crisp. Add few slices at a time.
• Prepare paste of 1/2 tsp water and 1/4 tsp salt.
• Add this paste to oil. This will make the slices crispier.
• Repeat the procedure for remaining slices.
• Drain the chips on an absorbent paper.
• Cool and store them in an airtight container.

Found on:

Second Recipe:

2 large firm DOLE® Bananas
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

Cut bananas diagonally into 1/8-inch thin slices. Dip banana slices into fresh lemon juice. Place slices on baking sheets sprayed with vegetable cooking spray.

Bake at 200 degrees F, 2 hours.

Turn slices over; continue baking 1 1/2 to 2 hours or until slices are crisp.

Remove slices to wire rack and cool completely. Store in airtight container

Source: Dole Food Company

Found on:

Make sure to let me know how your attempts come out!! Or if you know a better recipe, please share!

Stephanie, WWT

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My first post!

Hello readers!

I'm Stephanie and I present to you: The Wannabe World Traveler blog!
My first ever attempt at writing a blog, first inspired by the film Julie and Julia (probably like many others were) and now I've finally decided to write it!

It took me a while to come up with the idea, but I really love finding new things out and decided to give it a modern twist by exploring cities/pretty much anywhere and presenting my findings. I love to cook too, but of course, that idea has already been done.

I will do my best to update cool and exciting new things I find, and I'm totally open to suggestions and advice from others on anything from cool restaurants/foods to antique stores.

I conveniently decided to start this blog in the middle of writing college term papers so it might take me a while to get this thing off the ground. Don't the best ideas come to you when you're too busy?

Anyway, I'll make you a deal. Read my blog (I promise it will get more exciting!) and I'll read yours!

-Stephanie, The Wannabe World Traveler (WWT)