Monday, April 26, 2010

Vending Machine Wars

Today, unlike many others, I was thrilled with one of those crappy vending machines. When I went to get a snack, I was fortunate enough to end up with two M&M bags for the price of one! Talk about lucky huh?

But then I started to realize, that my happiness was achieved at someone else's loss. I mean, who doesn't hate it when a vending machine either: a) is sold out or doesn't give you your change back b) get's your snack stuck in those pathetic little loop dispensers or c) somehow completely messes up because of faulty mechanics and takes your money but does nothing?

It aggravates me to no end! That person who failed miserably at trying to purchase a personal pack of M&M's just made my day though, even though they don't know it.

This is for all of you out there who know what it's like to desperately crave a snack, only to have it stolen away from you by those cold metal loops. So, the next time you lose the battle in the fight of ongoing vending machine wars, stop to think, that the next person that comes along and purchases that same snack with an extra pack (or even two) stuck in the loop, will become a little happier in receiving double the joy in your simple, unwilling gesture of gratitude.

Or, you could just pay the extra money and get two snacks. :)
Keep fighting the machines!

-Stephanie, WWT

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