Friday, April 23, 2010

College Farmer's Markets

Well, today it looks like I might be getting sick. What a joy right before finals.

Doesn't everyone just love farmer's markets?

What about one that comes to you!?

Yesterday here at my college campus, they had a special thing where they hosted a mini farmer's market. They had a bread stand from Le Bus Bakery and some fresh fruits and veggies, but the most amazing thing was that everything was under $2.00!

The major attraction though was the sample table, a long table under a tent that had people constantly cooking and making up different foods to sample! I have to admit that I went back for seconds because they were making so many different things. Of course I filled out a comment card, because who wouldn't want a farmer's market like this every week? Sure, they just set up a few tables and it wasn't big or anything but that's the point. It is easy for the school to put on, and us students get a chance to buy fresh produce that comes to us! (not to mention the 25 cent scoops of ice cream!)

I have to say, after some of the moldy/unripe/too ripe fruits or veggies I have had at this college, fresh fruit seems like heaven, and at an affordable cost for a college student.

Do any other colleges out there do something similar? Would all you other students, like me, love to have a farmer's market on your campuses? Share your experiences or what you think of the idea. Personally, I hope it becomes a regular thing next year.

-Stephanie, WWT

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