Friday, April 30, 2010

Kentucky Derby Tomorrow!!

Ok, so this post is going to be super short cause I have an Ethics final tomorrow (that luckily doesn't coincide with the race!)

So the Kentucky Derby is tomorrow and I have my top three picks!
They are:
  1. Sidney's Candy
  2. American Lion
  3. Devil May Care
I feel like it's going to come between the first two but I just had to put the filly in contention! Please don't use my bets as a guideline because I have no knowledge of this stuff. I did look into past races though and the first two definitely impressed me. We'll see tomorrow what happens, there is talk of bad weather that could stir things up, so it could be anyone's game.

Look at the complete list of horses here.
Best of luck on betting!
-Stephanie, WWT

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