Friday, July 22, 2011

Eataly: New York

As I wrote in a previous post, here is my review of Eataly in New York City.
Now when I was in NY I didn't really know what this was exactly. I just ran into it by chance, attracted by a sign for gelato in a window advertisement.  Little did I know that I would be transported to Italy, through the amazing sights and smells of this Italian market located near the Flatiron Building in New York.

Eataly banner
As I stepped through the doors, I immediately knew that I had stumbled upon a culinary jackpot. Whether you are passionate about cooking food or eating food, Eataly has it all. From wine tasting bars to restaurants, to a huge market, to aisles of pasta, one can easily lose themselves in the chaos.

I made my way through the overwhelming sections of the market/restaurant madness watching as people crowded around for coffee or talked and laughed over a glass of wine. It was easy to get caught up in the hubbub and fail to see the beauty in the simple things spread throughout the indoor treasure trove of Italian wares.  A wall of mushrooms especially caught my eye, boasting exotic varieties that I hadn't ever heard or seen before. Surprises, like fresh garlic bunches hung from cart roofs and ugli fruit stared up at me from a basket. 

Look at the price, $50 a pound!

I kept on walking, enjoying just taking it all in, stopping to photograph a mozzerella station, where a man was making fresh mozzerella cheese by hand! Oh wait... is he looking at me? Now he's gesturing for me to come over where he is kneading the cheese in vats of warm water and... oh my.. he just handed me a ball of fresh mozzerella cheese, still warm and dripping wet. Um, ok.. awkward?

I wasn't sure what to do with the small wet ball of goodness laying in my palms so I took a bite of it right then and there. I probably looked foolish, but I knew, that I would never taste something so delicious as this bought in a package. There is truly nothing that can compare to fresh mozzerella cheese. I expressed my gratitude to the sweet man for his free gift of joy that clearly made my day. I had just tasted heaven.

Stephanie, WWT

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