Thursday, July 28, 2011

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II

The event of the summer! The end of an era! It's what we've all been anticipating since the start of it all, 10 years ago! The last Harry Potter film in the epic series is finally here! Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

I went to see the film the night of it's official release date, July 15th. I didn't have enough die-hard friends willing to see the midnight showing with me, and I also couldn't get tickets, but that didn't stop my excitement! I had already read all seven books by JK Rowling and I was looking forward to this film most of all. I decided to write a review today because I went to see the movie again for the second time yesterday! It's the last one, I mean, you have to see it twice right?

Anyway, the first time I went I saw it in the Real-D 3D and honestly, to compare with the normal movie format, I didn't think the 3D effects stood out. If anything, it just made the movie kind of blurry. I prefer the regular ones, but that's just me.

As far as the storyline, if everyone is familiar with the Harry Potter series then you know that the Deathly Hallows book was split into two movies and Part 1 left us with Voldemort breaking into Dumbledore's tomb to steal his wand: the Elder Wand. The most powerful wand of all! So, now for part 2. Let's just say, there were things I really liked about the movie and things I really missed.

I'll admit, I cried at about 30 minutes into the film, (when my favorite character dies) and didn't really stop for another 30 minutes. I actually needed kleenex in the theater, both times! Actually the second time was worse.. so obviously the directors did a great job with trying to convey various emotions in the film. However there were a few deaths that didn't really get enough screen time and I'm sure anyone who saw the movie will know who I'm talking about here. :(

Overall, I think Ralph Fiennes (Voldemort), Alan Rickman (Severus Snape), and Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) did spectacular jobs in portraying their characters, all of whom are very complex and riddled with emotional pasts and presents.  I did think that the film could have been longer which might have given some extra time to better explain details that only a reader of the books might understand.  Some of the scenes, I thought were very brutal and violent, but the filmmakers did add some humourous parts to try to balance out the dark themes. Although this film wasn't as playful and magical as the other movies that seemed to follow Harry throughout a year at Hogwarts, it was a fitting ending to a series that has captivated people of all ages for over 10 years.

Harry Potter is one of those things that I think will last beyond this generation. It is something that has strong messages for all ages and emphasizes friendship, love, bravery, and ethics that are conveyed beautifully through the entire series. When I read the first book I was the same age as the characters and over the years, I too have grown up with Harry and his friends. Although it seems sort of silly, I feel like it has been a big influence on my life. My parents and I would always watch the Harry Potter films together, and I remember reading the books to my father, begrudgingly that is, since he would fall asleep most of the time and I would have to reread chapters.  Even now, I meet people who are die-hard Potter fans and instantly have something to talk about.

Despite the movies being over, Harry Potter will always have a special place in my heart, and I know that the books will always be there for me to return to and lose myself in the stories of Harry and his adventures at Hogwarts.

Stephanie, WWT

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