Saturday, July 30, 2011

No-Bake Jello Pumpkin Pie

Ok, so I cheated. I used a boxed mix to make this pumpkin pie, but I was craving it so much and it was only like $1.50 so I had to get it.  One of my favorite desserts is pumpkin pie, but it isn't common year round. For anyone else like me who enjoys the spicy flavor not only at Thanksgiving, then this is a quick fix.

Option 1 = traditional pumpkin pie

Option 2 = slightly prettier layered whipped cream pie (oh yeah!)

Jello makes a no-bake boxed pumpkin pie mix which includes pretty much everything you need.
Extras to have on hand would be one 8oz tub of cool whip, milk, butter, and sugar. That's all you'll need to make your easy dessert in just 15 minutes! Sounds great right?

Finished crust! (my favorite part of pie)

The cool whip isn't a necessary addition, but it is used to make a layered pie. With the graham cracker crust and the filling layers, this pie was heavenly.  I'll admit, it has been my breakfast option for the past couple days. I know, healthy right? The pie actually isn't too unhealthy compared to other desserts, especially if you use sugar free cool whip and fat free milk!

Do you have any favorite seasonal treats/foods that you love to eat any time of the year? Another one of mine would be eggnog. I'm still working on a recipe for that.

Stephanie, WWT

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