Friday, July 29, 2011

Test Your Knowledge: Are You A Health-Smart Chef?

I found this awesome quiz on delish called Are You A Health-Smart Cook? today and decided to take it. I just thought I'd share because it has some pretty good tips on how to cook smarter and healthier.
I got 9 out of 10 right, I missed only one, which I feel pretty good about. It looks like I'm a health smart chef, and I actually regularly practice the tips they give when I'm cooking or even baking.

Take the quiz and find out how much you know about cooking healthier!

Or if you'd just like some quick tips, read on:

Tip #1 Olive oil is the healthiest fat to cook with. It is UN-saturated unlike butter and lard.

Tip #2 If you're looking to add flavor to bland dishes like a side salad try adding some fresh herbs, citrus fruits, or spices.

Tip#3 2 egg whites can be substituted for 1 egg when cooking/baking. Doing so will remove 53 calories and 4 grams of fat!

Tip #4 Rinse canned vegetables to remove up to 35% of sodium.

Tip #5 The skin of a potato contains more nutrients than the inside of it.

Tip #6 Use applesauce as a substitute for butter or oil when baking. (I do this all the time now when I bake brownies or cookies)

Tip #7 Wheat bread has more fiber than white bread.

Tip #8 Steaming and stir-frying are some healthier options when cooking vegetables. They are the best ways to preserve the nutrients in your veggies.

Stay healthy!

Stephanie, WWT

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